
I was compelled to write this after reading responses to an article entitled “Ontario school board aims to eliminate non-inclusive terms—like ‘husband and wife,’ ‘mother and father.’” You can find the whole story here. One of the suggestions in the article was that Mr., Mrs. and Ms be removed and that teachers be called by […]

If You Feel the Urge, Write Your Book

One of my favourite sayings is, “If everyone who felt inspired to write their story did so, there would still not be too many books in the world.” This has been called the communication age and certainly, with Social Media, we can see how dramatically communication is impacting our lives. We seem to have an […]

Let Yourself Off the Hook

Some time ago I started a business. I was sure that this was my vehicle for creating financial freedom. It’s a good business and I’ve derived great satisfaction from being able to assist people in creating more vibrant health for themselves. Yet, I had not achieved the financial success that I anticipated. For a long […]


Just   Are words just words or do they have an impact long after they have been said. I recently came across a book called Your Body Believes Every Word You Say by Barbara Hoberman Levine and it is just one of many that refer to the power of words. You may have heard of […]

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Within these posts and pages I will be sharing articles that I have written and information that will support writers. If you’d like to be kept up-to-date on the new posts and blogged developments, please subscribe to my blog, or send me your email address through my Contact page. Thank you for your interest!